As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.
Ecclesiastes 11:5 NIV
God's ways are so far beyond us that many people find them unbelievable. Yes, we were created to look for a "reason" for things being as they are in this world. Yet, what we come up with in our finite minds are simply justifications. Our attempts at figuring things out are just our own rationalizations. Our best efforts to please our Creator will come from acceptance of His Word. God is good. God is love. He shows us this every day in one way or another. When we are good to one another and give love to one another, we come closer to showing that we understand God's ways more than anything else we can do. Let's leave the hard work of deciphering Creation and all of its mysteries to our Creator and just appreciate Him. Through Jesus Christ, God has shown us how to love and do good. Let's focus on living those things out. This will surely make the world a better place to wait for what comes next.