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The Difference Between "Us" and "Them"

You have no right to criticize your brother or look down on him. Remember, each of us will stand personally before the Judgment Seat of God. For it is written, “As I live,” says the Lord, “every knee shall bow to me and every tongue confess to God.” Yes, each of us will give an account of himself to God.

So don’t criticize each other anymore. Try instead to live in such a way that you will never make your brother stumble by letting him see you doing something he thinks is wrong.

For, after all, the important thing for us as Christians is not what we eat or drink but stirring up goodness and peace and joy from the Holy Spirit. If you let Christ be Lord in these affairs, God will be glad; and so will others.

Romans 14:10-13, 17-18 Living Bible (TLB)

The "us" and "them" in which people tend to classify other human beings has become a standard in our culture. "Different strokes for different folks" is not as acceptable as Scripture states it should be. Some believers take their own interpretation of God's Word and apply it to certain situations to substantiate judgment of other people. We would do well to remember that when we go before the Judgment Seat of God, there won't be audience participation. We won't be called upon to give our input of someone else's belief and behavior. Each of us will only be subject to giving an account for ourselves. God does not operate with a jury. He already knows our every thought and the condition of our hearts. Through Jesus Christ, we are called to love everyone and let Him handle His business of ensuring our futures in the Kingdom of God. Christ died on the cross alone surrounded by sinners He would give His life to save.

God made people different for His own purposes. To understand why is apparently not something He chooses to reveal to us just yet. But He gave each of us a heart. He does tell us in His Word that those who believe are responsible for helping those who don't believe by our own deeds, not judging their actions. The Holy Spirit indwelling the true believing Christian guides them to goodness, peace and joy. Through the righteousness of Christ, we are not condemned and it is not any man's call to condemn anyone else. Neither are we to become a stumbling block to anyone by always demanding our own way, but rather to share the way of Jesus. His way is all inclusive when we believe and follow it.

Often, people don't believe in the Word of God because of what they think it says or what somebody else has said it says. When we study the Bible for ourselves, we are led by the Spirit to know God better and to learn what we as individuals do or do not do that pleases God. One thing we are commanded over and over again to do in the Word of God is to simply love one another. And just like God's love and mercy, God's Word will endure forever.

For, “All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever.” 1 Peter 1:24-25 (NIV)

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